The fakery of Deuteronomy
in case you still don't know how to read, write, and speak hebrew, i recommend that you start your immediate study of the language, that is, in case you have interest in knowing what is really written in the Torah, which crooked translation of it can be found in the Bible.
The real Hebrew Torah of Israel is composed of four book: Genesis to Numbers.
Once you read it in Hebrew like I do, you will notice the different styles of writing in all the books which follow, starting with deuteronomy. It is as if they were written in a completely different era. They include new words and foreign ideas which contradict the Torah but may have been popular in the generation of the crooks who wrote them.
the last commandment of God Yehovah to the Hebrew sons of Israel is found in the last chapter of the book of Numbers. You can see it in the symbol above, and read it in Numbers chapter 36.
all the books in the Bible which come after Numbers, were crafted by no less than the enemies of israel in order to indoctrinate the nation into believing that God allowed the enslavement of israel to a tyrant, and that later, in the book of Samuel, he even made it mandatory for them to be under a tyrant flesh and blood from the seed of david to the end of generations.
Can you imagine why god would bother to rescue his Hebrew slaves from Egypt, from slavery to a king flesh and blood, just to put them to be slaves to a king flesh and blood again in israel? does it make sense to you? No? well that's the story line of the propaganda found in the foreign book of deuteronomy.
the slavery of israel to a king flesh and blood is not allowed in the torah, yet it is promoted by the propaganda which comes after the book of numbers, and it even presents that slavery as their redemption.
not only that the books starting from deuteronomy demand the enslavement of the nation to a tyrant, they also give the tyrant authority to conquer other nations outside of israel as he pleases. Deuteronomy allows the new tyrant to enslave foreign nations, by taxing them, and to eliminate nations which dare to resist him.
all the books of the bible starting from deuteronomy were carefully crafted by crooks to reduce the moral code of israel to be evil, while disguised as godly laws. We shall see many examples.
We will focus mainly on deuteronomy since once one grasps why and how the book was forged, it should be easy for him to see the fakery of the rest of the books which follow deuteronomy.
deuteronomy uses various tricks to manipulate the reader into thinking that it is an original part of the torah.
However when you read a translation of the torah, and of deuteronomy, you cannot see the difference in the styles of writing, yet, you will still be able to understand the severe contradictions between deuteronomy and the torah.
deuteronomy cancels and changes important laws in the torah, hurts the Levi priests, which i remind you were not jews, and converts the land of israel from a kingdom of Levi priests belonging to God Yehovah, to a kingdom of a tyrant flesh and blood, who receives limitless powers, and is even allowed to write "a secondary torah".
The book of deuteronomy is composed of a very long speech of someone who claims to be Moses. It contains a lot of duplicate information that is already found in the hebrew torah, to give the reader an illusion of familiarity, that he is supposedly reading a book which is a natural continuation of the torah, and to make the reader comfortable, unsuspecting, so that he will not notice malicious changes which were inserted in this book, changes that come to cancel the torah.
My father's language is hebrew, not english, so please forgive me for poorly expressing myself in english. Don't let it be in your way to your understand the jewish scam against the hebrew torah of israel.
the fakers of deuteronomy inserted a new commandment in it, which says that no one is allowed to add or remove commandments, while the book does exactly that.
This is the level of sneakiness that we are dealing with when reading deuteronomy, so be on the watch when you read it.
you don't even need me to figure this out. Simply mark ALL of God's words in the torah, study them well, and then compare them to the commandments in deuteronomy. Make yourself a list of all the contradictions you find. I promise you there are many.
but one thing should be cleared right away:
all the commandments in the torah to the sons of israel come solely from God Yehovah and no other.
God Yehovah is the sole law maker of the nation of israel. Men are not allowed to make any laws to this nation, it will be considered a very serious crime, as bad as the golden calf.
this is why
a house of law
such as a congress,
or as it is called in israel today: Knesset, is 100% illegal according to the torah.
so it is a given, based on the torah, that no man can add or deduct laws, and there is really no need to mention it, since it is such a basic principle of the torah: that only God Yehovah is the one with the authority to make laws.
here i will mention the crime of jewish rabbis in making new laws to israel which are called by rabbis: Darbanan.
via deuteronomy the fakers were seeking to
give a false impression as if the book
demands to preserve the law of god, while it does exactly the opposite.
deuteronomy presents itself in its very first page as
a clarification book to the laws of the torah.
It states:
הוֹאִיל מֹשֶׁה בֵּאֵר אֶת הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת לֵאמֹר
" Moses agreed to clarify this torah (the laws) to say..."
but to clarify a law,
means to make it
more clear.
to clarify does not mean to change or to cancel the law. however as you will see, deuteronomy changes and cancels many laws.
Are jewish rabbis aware of this? yes.
How do they explain it?
in various sneaky ways.
The rabbis will explain why an apple is a banana in order to preserve their position. They don't care. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Do not trust them.
in the real torah, in the book of Exodus (19:6), God declares the land of israel to be His holy kingdom of priests:
וְאַתֶּם תִּהְיוּ לִי מַמְלֶכֶת כֹּהֲנִים
" and you shall br My Kingdom of priests. "
also in the torah, in exodus 15:18 God is described by Moses as the King of the Hebrews forever:
יְהוָה יִמְלֹךְ לְעֹלָם וָעֶד
" Yehovah shall be The King, forever. "
then in deuteronomy 17:18, the definition changes.
suddenly the Kingdom is re-defined to be the kingdom of a king flesh and blood.
וְהָיָה כְשִׁבְתּוֹ עַל כִּסֵּא מַמְלַכְתּוֹ וְכָתַב לוֹ אֶת מִשְׁנֵה הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת עַל סֵפֶר
" and as he (king flesh and blood) sits on the chair of His Kingdom, he shall write the secondary Torah in a book. "
it also states that that new king over israel will write a "secondary torah", meaning, a "secondary law", or one may say, the king is allowed to interpret the laws found in the torah.
but to remind you, in Leviticus 10:8-11, God gives the
Exclusive Authority to interpret his laws, to the Levi Priests, and not to a tyrant:
חֻקַּת עוֹלָם לְדֹרֹתֵיכֶם וּלְהַבְדִּיל בֵּין הַקֹּדֶשׁ וּבֵין הַחֹל וּבֵין הַטָּמֵא וּבֵין הַטָּהוֹר וּלְהוֹרֹת אֶת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֵת כָּל הַחֻקִּים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר יְהוָה אֲלֵיהֶם בְּיַד מֹשֶׁה
" a permanent law for all generations to come, to distinguish between what is holy and what is not holy, and between the non-pure and the pure, and to instruct israel with all the laws which were spoken to them by Yehovah in the hands of Moses. "
so not only that deuteronomy transfers the ownership of the land of israel from God almighty Yehovah to a king flesh and blood, but it also takes away from the Levi priests their exclusive authority to instruct israel regarding the laws of yehovah, by transferring it to the tyrant.
and yes, deuteronomy states that putting a king flesh and blood to rule over israel is only optional, in case israel decides to be like the other nations, (which also contradicts the torah)
but then in the book of Samuel, this option becomes mandatory, and now the nation of Israel MUST have a king flesh and blood to rule over them to the end of all generations to come.
Does it make sense to you?
it is (falsely) presented in Samuel, as if the nation of israel asked to be ruled by a king, yet pay attention that in the book of Samuel, not only that a king flesh and blood is now mandatory, but is also becoming permanent.
So while in deuteronomy the tyrant is presented as an "option" (stop and consider how silly it is), it becomes mandatory in the book of Samuel.
This way the propaganda books convinced the people of israel that it was their ancestors choice to have them enslaved to a king flesh and blood for the rest of all generations to come, and that is after they have been rescued from such slavery in Egypt.