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לנוחיותך ספרי הדרכה

על הקנוניה נגד התורה

לחץ על ספר לקריאה

והורד הקובץ בקישור

זכור כי הספרים

עדיין בעריכה​​


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כרגע בעריכה

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Except for giving themselves the official title: "The Wise Ones", the Jewish Rabbis in the Talmud also decided that any person who disagrees with his rabbi - it is as if he disagreed with God himself.

In Judaism the Jew is free to choose his own rabbi, according to his personal taste. So the result is that the Jew will consider the words of whoever he chooses as his rabbi to be the words of God.


So in Judaism God comes in many flavors, and often contradicts himself.​ Not all rabbis agree about everything.


In fact there are many sects in Judaism, who hate one another due to disagreements between the rabbis regarding what is exactly God's word.

So the result is that in Judaism the Jew sees the word of the rabbi as God's word, and the word changes according to the Jew's own personal taste...  and this is the definition of Idol Worshiping.

Judaism is Idol Worshiping, and the idols are the rabbis.

In Judaism any person can convert to become a Jew and even become a rabbi - and many over the generations did. Many foreigners who are not the seed of Jacob became Jews and Rabbis.

through Conversion to Judaism, any person in the world can convert himself to be the "prophet of God" (rabbi) who is "carrying the word of God״ to the Jew - and according to the Jew's personal taste and choice of his rabbi.

But the most interesting part is that Judaism does not actually exist in the Hebrew Torah of Israel. No rabbis are to be found in the Hebrew Torah and non of the Jewish tradition, nor a Jewish Nation.


The Jewish Club (or cult) was founded many generations later, by those who were seeking to replace God's Laws with new man made laws, known today as Talmud, Gmara, or "Torah By Heart".


Judaism often contradicts the Hebrew Torah, and Jewish laws are often the exact opposite to the laws of God Yehovah in the Hebrew Torah.

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מלבד להעניק לעצמם את הכינוי חכמים - הרבנים חז״ל [חכמיהם זכרונם לבושה] המשיכו וקבעו בתלמוד היהודי כי דבריהם הנם קדושים כאילו היו דבר אלהים


הרבנים קבעו כי מי שלא מסכים עם רבו כאילו לא הסכים עם אלהים

ומאחר וביהדות כל ירא חז״ל בוחר לעצמו רב לפי טעמו האישי [עשה לך רב] - יוצא כי ביהדות בוחרים המאמינים מי יהיה האלהים שלהם לפי טעמם האישי בהתאם לבחירתם ברב


שהרי לא כל הרבנים נמצאים בהסכמה וקיימים הרבה זרמים ביהדות השונאים זה את זה ומפרשים באופן שונה את התורה


בהתאם לתלמוד - היהודי ירא חז״ל מאמין כי דברי רבו אשר אותו הוא בחר לפי טעמו האישי הם שווי ערך לדבר יהוה - אך זו בדיוק ההגדרה של עבודת אלילים

יהדות היא עבודת אלילים בה המאמינים בוחרים רבנים לפי טעמם האישי ולכן גם בוחרים מה יהיה דבר אלהים אלהם - לפי טעמם האישי


ביהדות האלילים הם הרבנים

ולא נשכח כי יהדות היא מועדון פתוח אליו כל אדם בעולם יכול להצטרף

ומאחר וכל נוכרי יכול להמיר את עצמו ליהדות ואף להפוך לרב כפי שאכן רבים עשו - יוצא כי ביהדות כל אדם בעולם יכול להפוך להיות נביא האלהים של היהודי - שהרי לפי התלמוד כל המערער על דברי רבו כאילו ערער על דבר יהוה

אך החלק המעניין בכל זה הוא כי בתורת ישראל אין כלל יהדות אין כלל רבנות ואין כלל עם יהודי

ולא רק שיהדות זרה לגמרי לתורת ישראל אלא הדת גם מסיטה לעשות בדיוק הפוך מהכתוב בתורת ישראל

So have spoken Gods of the Hebrews Yehovah in the Hebrew Torah of Israel, book of Numbers, chapter 3:

"And Aaron and his sons you shall count. And they shall keep their priesthood. And the foreigner who comes near (interferes with their holy duty) shall be put to death."

Now pay attention to Samuel book 2 chapter 8:

"And the sons of David were Priests".

Also pay attention to Kings book 1 chapter 2:
"And Solomon banished Evyatar from being a priest to Yehovah."

Yehovah in the Hebrew Torah gives the priesthood solely to the seed of Aaron from the tribe of Levi for all generations to come, and warns that any foreigner who comes near it shall be put to death.

No human on Earth outside the seed of Aaron has any right or authority to manage their work, or to decide who gets to be a priest.

but in the later 
propaganda books which were forged as "holy books" and deceitfully added to the Torah to create a "Bible" (Babel = Babylon) to convince Israel that their Gods Yehovah commanded them to be slaves to a human king flesh and blood like in Egypt - Kings David & Solomon (Cruel tyrants and murderers) are described as managing the priests - firing priests and appointing priests - against the law of the Torah - a crime punishable by Death.

And how the Jewish Yarmulke people excuse this?

In the case of David, who appointed his own sons to be priests (and therefor should have been put to death according to God's law) - they claim that their priesthood was a different kind of priesthood, and therefore supposedly there wasn't a crime.

I'm giving away $2,000 to the person who can prove with a verse from the book of Samuel that the illegal priesthood of the boys of David was of a different kind.

Regarding Solomon's crime, the Jews will claim that he was allowed to interfere with the priesthood and fire a priest because he is the king.

In other words, indirectly the Jews claim that their human-flesh kings are above the law of God.

They are actually correct saying that the king is above the law, because in the real world the king MAKES the law and is in charge over all authorities - law making - and law enforcement.

But the Jews choose to forget one little principle  - The Hebrew Torah does not allow any other king over Israel but God himself. No other law maker is allowed, because the only law is God's law. 

The nation of Israel was chosen to be separated from the other nations exactly by not allowing any tyrants to rule over them, and by declaring that the law of the creator is the only law over them.

Unfortunately people today do not understand the true meaning of the words - KING, GOD and MASTER. They foolishly believe that a king serves his subjects, while in reality it is the other way around.

The subjects of the king, the citizens of HIS kingdom pay HIM taxes, work for HIM, and obey HIM, and not the other way around.

And this is exactly why the law of the Torah states that the Sons of Israel are Slaves of the creator Yehovah and no other -
You shall not have any other Gods over me.

Since the nation of Israel chose to betray these core principles of the Torah - they are cursed and punished by God one generation after another.


כה אמר יהוה אלהי העברים

בתורה בספר במדבר

בפרק השלישי


וְאֶת אַהֲרֹן וְאֶת בָּנָיו תִּפְקֹד וְשָׁמְרוּ אֶת כְּהֻנָּתָם וְהַזָּר הַקָּרֵב יוּמָת


אך שים לב לכתוב

בשמואל ב׳ פרק ח׳

וּבְנֵי דָוִד כֹּהֲנִים הָיוּ


ובמלכים א׳ פרק ב׳

וַיְגָרֶשׁ שְׁלֹמֹה אֶת אֶבְיָתָר

מִהְיוֹת כֹּהֵן לַיהוָה

שים לב כי בתורה יהוה מעניק את תפקיד הכהונה בלעדית לזרע אהרן משבט לוי עד סוף הדורות ומזהיר כי זר אשר יתערב בעבודתם יומת


לאף אדם אין רשות או סמכות להתערב בעבודת הכהנים הלויים


אך בספרי התעמולה התנ״כיים אשר צורפו אל התורה במרמה כדי לשכנע את העם שאלהים ביקש לשעבדם למלך אדם כמו במצרים - אנו רואים כי דוד ושלמה מינו ופיטרו כהנים איך שבא להם כלומר התערבו התערבות לא חוקית בעבודת הכהונה - התערבות שעונשה בתורה הוא מוות


כלומר הן דוד והן שלמה היו צריכים לפי חוק יהוה להיות מוצאים להורג על בגידתם - אך הדבר כידוע מספריהם לא נעשה


אם כך איך מטאטאים מתחת לשטיח את פשעי הרודנים הרשעים הללו


יראי חז״ל חובשי הכיפה אשר הצביעות נוטפת מאוזניהם יטענו לגבי בניו של דוד הכהנים כי לא מדובר היה פה באותו סוג של כהונה אלא כביכול בכהונה מסוג אחר וכי לכן כביכול לא היה פה פשע


פרס של אלפיים דולר 💰 אתן לחובש הכיפה אשר יציג לי פסוק מתוך ספר שמואל המסביר כי כהונת ילדיו של דוד היתה כהונה מסוג אחר


ולגבי שלמה אשר פיטר כהן באופן לא חוקי חובשי הכיפה יסבירו כי למלך האדם יש את הסמכות לעשות זאת כי הרי הוא מלך


במילים אחרות

חובשי הכיפה אשר הצביעות נוטפת מאוזניהם למעשה בלי להגיד זאת ישירות מסבירים כי מלך אדם הוא מעל חוקי יהוה


הבעיה כמובן שהם צודקים בנקודה האחרונה - המלך הוא אכן מעל החוק  כי המלך עושה את החוק וגם אוכף אותו 


המלך מולך הן על הרשות המחוקקת והן על הרשות האוכפת כי הוא זה אשר נותן להן את הרשות לפעול - אותה רשות לא מגיעה מעבדיו ונתיניו - אלא ממנו כי הוא אדון ובעל הממלכה - הוא המלך


היהודים שכחו רק דבר אחד - אסור מלך אדם על ישראל - בדיוק בגלל הסיבות האלה 


התורה מגדירה את יהוה כמלך ישראל והוא המחוקק והאדון היחיד של ישראל וישראל הם עבדיו ואסור להם אלהים אחרים על פניו ומכאן שאסור להם גם מחוקק אחר על פניו


אנשים בבורותם בימינו לא מבינים מהי המשמעות האמיתית של המילים אלהים אדון ומלך על נתינים - המטריקס שיבש את הבנתם לגבי מילים אלה


אזרחי העולם היום הם עבדי אדם נחותים לאדוני אדם אך לא מבינים זאת ואף מאמינים כי הם חיים כביכול בעולם חופשי ונאור


ישראל הם לא כמו כל העמים אלא נבדלים מהם בדיוק בכך שהחוק בישראל הוא רק חוק יהוה - ואסור חוקי אדם על ישראל והאדון בישראל הוא רק הבורא יהוה ולכן לא יכול להיות לעולם אדון אדם על העם


מאחר ובני ישראל בחרו לבגוד בעקרונות אלה [והכניסו ספר חמישי מזויף לתוך מכלול התורה כדי להצדיק את הפשע הזה של מלך אדם על העם] העם הרע הנבער וקשה העורף הזה ימשיך לסבול ולהיענש על בגידתו ועזות המצח שלו דור אחר דור עד לשלב בו ליבם הרע והערל יכנע

לא יהיה לך אלהים אחרים על פני​​​​​

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The only law maker

of the Hebrews is

Almighty Yehovah

& the only law

interpreters for

the sons of Israel

are the Levi Priests

המחוקק והאדון היחיד

של העברים עבדיו

הוא הבורא יהוה


ומפרשי החוק

הבלעדיים עבור

בני ישראל העברים

הם רק הכהנים הלויים

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Look - He doesn't even speak Hebrew, yet knows Torah better than all Yeshiva students combined.


To show the difference between an independent thinker Versus those who let corrupt rabbis think for them.


While God Yehovah commanded in the Torah that all beginnings of all years shall be in the spring around April, Jewish rabbis commanded their believers to do exactly the opposite and celebrate their new jewish years in the fall around September.


And it wasn't innocent. The rabbis deliberately replaced the laws of Yehovah with new jewish laws, to put the corrupt rabbis in positions of power.

תראו - אפילו בחור שלא מדבר עברית יודע תורה יותר טוב מתלמידי ישיבות


זה ההבדל בין אדם היודע להפעיל שיקול דעת עצמאי - ובין אנשים אשר נותנים לרבנים המושחתים לחשוב במקומם


בעוד אלהים יהוה ציוה בתורה כי ראשי השנה של עם ישראל יהיו באביב - רבנים יהודים הורו למאמיניהם לעשות בדיוק הפוך ולחגוג ראשי שנה בסתיו


זה לא נעשה כך בשגגה או בתמימות 


הרבנים היהודים חיבלו קשות בתורת ישראל באמצעות ספרים חיצוניים לתורה מתוך כוונה להחליף את חוקי יהוה בחוקי רבנים המעבירים את הכוח אל הרבנים המושחתים

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When they scream: "Free Palestine", they actually mean:


" Please Enslave them all to the State too, but this time please do it with THIS FLAG ok? "


Dumb humans love tyranny.


Evil humans support tyranny. 


But all forms of The State are tyranny.


So it's time to grow up humans, and wise up.


We can do much better.


No State for me please.


Enough with the Slave-State.


Enough with Tyrannical Empires.


It's time for a Big Change.

כשהם צועקים בבורותם לשחרר את פלסטין [מילה שהמציא קיסר רומאי לנתק את עם ישראל מארצו] הם בעצם צועקים שהם מבקשים לשעבד את כל יושבי הארץ שוב למדינה - אך הפעם עם צבעים אחרים על הדגל


בני אדם נחותים וטיפשים אוהבים רודנות אדם על אדם


ובני אדם רשעים מעודדים רודנות אדם על אדם


אך כל המדינות הן סוג כזה או אחר של רודנות אדם על אדם


לכן הגיע הזמן להתבגר ולהתחיל לחשוב עם הראש מחוץ לקופסת המטריקס במקום לצעוק ססמאות ריקות וטיפשיות הסותרות את עצמן כמו - לשחרר את פלסטין על ידי שיעבוד הארץ תחת מדינה אחרת


עבדי עבדים נחותים

This guy in the short, is giving my answer when I am asked what is my opinion about the staged conflict between the two imaginary nations in the Middle East.

I hope that both sides lose.

Because the Jewish Nation is just as imaginary as the Palestinian one.

If you are a German Christian Priest with pure German blood, but interested in becoming a part of the "Chosen People" then the Jewish rabbis (who do not exist in the Hebrew Torah) will be happy to convert your blood to a "Jewish Blood" and to "Jewish DNA".

Come on Muhammad, convert to Judaism now, and according to the Jewish Rabbis you will gain all the rights you want on the Holy Land Of Israel, which was promised in the Hebrew, Non-Jewish Torah to the seed of Jacob the Hebrew, the non-Jew.

Muhammad, within only two generations no one will remember or know that your offsprings do not come from the seed of Jacob, to whom the land was promised. It's the perfect scam, and the Jewish rabbis have already converted many foreigners like yourself to the "Jewish Nation". 

This is what Judaism is all about, stealing the land of the Hebrews by pretending that the religious Jewish Club is the blood of Jacob.

That is why I hope both sides will lose, Jews and Palestinians. Same Same.

הבחור בסרטון נותן את התשובה שלי כששואלים אותי מה דעתי על הסכסוך המבוים בין שני העמים הדמיוניים במזרח התיכון

אני מקווה ששני הצדדים יפסידו

כי העם היהודי הוא דמיוני לגמרי בדיוק כמו העם הבלסטיני

אם אתה כומר גרמני וחושק להפוך להיות חלק מהעם הנבחר - הרבנים היהודים ישמחו לגייר אותך ולהמיר את דמך לדם יהודי

קדימה מוחמד התגייר עכשיו וזכה לפי הרבנות בזכות אבות על ארץ העברים - ואף אחד לא ידע בתוך שני דורות שהצאצאים שלך הם לא מזרע יעקב העברי

כאמור בתורת ישראל עם ישראל הוא עברי ואין בה גיור כלומר אין אפשרות להמיר את עצמך מעם אחד לעם אחר אלא אתה חייב להיוולד לאב עברי כדי להיות עברי וזו הדרך היחידה שלך לרשת את אדמות העברים

יהדות היא קנוניה להמיר עמים זרים וליצור עם דמיוני יהודי חדש כדי שיוכל בעורמה לגנוב את אדמות זרע ישראל אשר לו הובטחה בתורה ארץ העברים

לכן אני מקווה ששני הצדדים בהצגה הרומאית שעושים לנו במזרח התיכון יפסידו בסיכסוך

Above is a presentation that was shared in our discussion group.​ It explains why "Jews" today have nothing to do with the Hebrew people of the "Old Testament".


I will only add the fact that Jewish Giyur - which is the conversion to Judaism of other nations, made it impossible today to actually know who is the real seed of Israel, the real deal, the original seed of Jacob, to whom God Yehovah almighty promised the land of Israel.


The presentation above states that "Jews" come from the tribe of Judea. Allow me to correct it:


Over the generations,

many many people

converted to Judaism.


Jews of today

did not really come

from the tribe of Judea.


Every year, every day, many people convert to Judaism. So nobody knows today who is REALLY israel. These are the facts.


In the Torah there is no Judaism, no Jews, no rabbis, and no conversion to Judaism - despite what rabbis will attempt to tell you.


 Jewish rabbis will try to take advantage of the fact that you cannot read the Torah in Hebrew.


But I do read the Torah in Hebrew which is my father's language. I read it well, and I read it often. And I'm here to share some shocking facts about Jews VS Torah.

If it's in your interest not to let Jewish rabbis fool you around with their Jewish BS on the torah, learn Hebrew fast, it's easy, and then read the torah in Hebrew, to know what's in it.


Jewish rabbis tend to twist and lie about what's in the torah much more than what you may imagine. Start learning Hebrew TODAY.


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Know Your Jew


When is it OK for the Jew to murder "non-believers" like you and me?


Rabbi Rambam,

a "super-holy" figure in Judaism, explains that the Jew should murder any person who does not obey the laws of the Jewish Talmud, made up by the jewish rabbis called: Chazal.

While Jews borrowed the Hebrew language from the Hebrew sons of Israel, Jews as explained - have nothing to do with the tribe of Judea, or the real sons of Israel.


But this little fact did not stop the Jewish rabbis from calling themselves: The Wise Of Israel - Chazal.

Do you see the problem here?


Moses was not a Jew. It's a fact from the Torah.


All the Sons of Israel including Moses came from one father - Jacob, who was a Hebrew, not a Jew. 


The tribe of Judea were Hebrews, and NEVER in the torah practiced any sort of Judaism.


A "Jew" in fact, is any person in the world, who decided to be a "Jew".


Jews do not follow the laws of God in the Torah, but rather the laws made up by Jewish rabbis found in the Talmud and other garbage Jewish books.


The Jewish Club is open to all nations, and has nothing to do with the actual seed of Israel from the Torah. Thus, there is no such a thing as a "Jewish DNA".


A Japanese convert to Judaism has ZERO "Jewish DNA".


And after many many generations of conversion of whole nations to be Jews, to try and claim that there is a "Jewish DNA" is to laugh in your face. Yes, you were lied to.

Judaism allows all nations to convert, and then to inherit the land of israel which in the non-jewish torah was promised to the seed of Jacob, the non-Jew. 


Do you see the problem here?


Even Jewish Rabbis admit that today an unknown number of "Jews" does not originate from the actual Hebrew Sons of Israel due to Giyur - due to conversion to judaism. So who owns the land today? foreigners? that's right.


btw over the many generations of conversion to judaism, some of the converts became very famous rabbis. For example, Rabbi Akiva in the Talmud, or Rabbi Shmaya in the Talmud, who controlled the Jewish Sanhedrin in Israel for 30 years, which is literally almost like being the king of the Jews.


He was not the seed of Jacob, but it is said that he was the one who gave the Israeli nation the laws of the Talmud.


Do you see the problem here?


A bunch of convert Jews pretending to be the seed of Jacob, a fake Jewish nation ruled by a convert rabbi, Shmaya, submits to new laws, Talmud laws, which Shmaya claimed that he "received" from "the elders of israel"... 

yeah right.


The laws found in the Talmud, made up by jewish rabbis, severely contradict the laws of God Yehovah found in the Hebrew Torah.

For example,​

While in the Hebrew Torah, you are the son of Israel by your father - in Judaism it is opposite - you are Israel by the mother, regardless of who the father is. the father can be Japanese no problem. Do you see the problem?


And as mentioned there is also Giyur, a process which does not exist in the Hebrew Torah.

Can you grasp the extreme affect of these changes to the identity of Israel? These changes were made with one purpose - to eliminate the real seed of Israel. 

Judaism does not originate from the Torah. it originates from the enemies of Israel. Rabbis were put in place to replace the real Hebrew priests who were LEVI and were not JEWS.


Rabbi Rambam,

the super-hero of the jews, explains his laws regarding killing a non-jew, and why it is allowed to kill a hebrew who did not submit to the Jewish rabbis:


the Jew should murder such people (non-believers, hebrews) either directly in public if possible, or if not possible, then indirectly, by making false accusations against the non-believer, which will bring to his death.


Rabbi Rambam, a huge rabbi-figure in Judaism, continues by giving an example to how a Jew should murder a non-believer indirectly:


"...If he "fell" into a well, remove the ladder, and make an excuse why you had to."


Jewish Source:

הלכות רוצח פרק ד סעיף י״ד והלאה

Rambam - Laws Of A Murderer

chapter 4 section 14 and onwards



When I confront Religious Jews about rabbi Rambam, they usually justify him, attack me, and block me from responding. But that's just because I speak Hebrew and appear to them as one of them. In your case, they will simply say that the words of Rambam were taken out of context, taking advantage of the fact you do not speak Hebrew and cannot see through their lying teeth.


Rabbi Rambam is considered a "super-holy" figure in Judaism, which is why I am considered by Jews to be "Epicurus" -  a person who does not respect the laws made up by Jewish rabbis. And according to Rambam, Jews are permitted to kill me, either directly in public or indirectly, and no witnesses are necessary, and no trial is necessary to murder the non believer.


"Epicurus" should be either outcasted, removed, murdered, abused, and/or shamed.

"Holy rabbi Rambam"

Along history people who cared enough went and found what the Talmud says. Then, after the community have learned that Jews are not exactly their allies to put it gently, it was usually followed by a pogrom against the jews.

Sometimes the local authorities themselves would banish the jews after studying the Talmud.


Today however, in the politically-correct era, it is less common to talk about the Talmud, it's too dirty, and people may call you anti-semitic, just for quoting from the Talmud.

But the Jewish dirt does not end in the Talmud.


Later rabbis such as Rambam, kept working on the Jewish philosophy against the nations of the world.


Rabbi Rambam points out in his book for example that the Jew should not attempt to save the life of a non-Jew. 


he gives an example:​

If the Jew happens to see a non-Jew drowning at sea, he should not attempt to pull him up and save him.


The instructions are found in the book of Rambam called: Halachot Rotzeach chapter 4 sections 14-16. Here:

here:​ Rambam - "Laws of a murderer"


I was looking for a translation to English of this book, and I found one in the Official Chabbad Website.


There was only one problem with the translation: they removed sections 14-16 from the translation on the website. Any idea why would they do such a thing?


If you happen to find a reliable english translation let me know. I will be surprised, but happy to share it here.​ Until then, here is a copy of the Hebrew original words of Rambam:

rabbi Rambam Halachot of a murderer 2
Rambam Halachot of a murderer 1

​What they do not tell you about the Torah

The artwork above in Hebrew, in the shape of a diamond, is taken from the Hebrew Torah of Israel: Numbers chapter 36.


It is the very last commandment from God of the Hebrews Yehovah, to the Hebrew Nation of Israel. This is what it says marked in the center:

" And a territory (any land, title, or authority given by God Yehovah to a hebrew tribe) shall not be transferred from one tribe to another. "


The Levi tribe of Israel, who were not Jews, did not receive their own land as territory like the other tribes.


Instead, the Levi were spread among the other tribes, and were given a unique territory: A spiritual territory, the holy work of the temple of God, Ohel Moed. The holy work also includes the title of the Priesthood.


Only a Levi can be a Hebrew priest. And according to the Torah, only a Levi can instruct Israel regarding the laws of the Torah.

Jewish rabbis are not Levi.

Jewish rabbis stole this authority from the Levi priests. Can you guess what is the punishment in the Torah for such a crime?


The Torah commands to put to death anyone who attempts to steal this territory from the Levi.


The Levi High Priest, the Boss of Priests, who is in charge of managing the temple, and who is NOT A JEW, is called in the Torah:


The Messiah


However, you will not see it in your Bible.




because unfortunately, Christian translators removed the word Messiah from Leviticus, in which it appears FOUR TIMES, in the original Hebrew script.


Each one of the times the word Messiah appears in the Torah, it refers to the Levi High Priest, who is NOT a Jew. 

So according to the Hebrew Torah, the Messiah is not a Jew. Can you think of any reason why Christians who believe in a Jewish Messiah will remove the real Levi Messiah from their bible? Any thoughts?


The title 'Messiah' was given by God Yehovah to the seed of Aaron, who was not a Jew, and this title is given for all generations.

The theft of the Messiah role, starts in the book of Samuel, in which the murderer David refers to king Saul, and later to himself, as Messiah.


Jews and Christians alike, tell a little lie:


that the word 'Messiah' in Leviticus, means a person who is "anointed".


- but it's not true.


While the Levi Messiah is indeed anointed, he is also anointing, and this is the true meaning of his title: Messiah. (MA-SHI-ACH משיח).


the word 'Messiah' does not mean anointed, but it is a unique title reserved only for the Levi High Priest, who is not a Jew.


The Torah of Israel is not Jewish.


The Torah does not have any Jews nor Rabbis in it.


Moses was not a Jew.

The Messiah is not a Jew.


You will not find any synagogues in the Torah.


Judaism is the result of a rebellion in God's laws.


Judaism appeared many generations after the Hebrew Torah was given to Israel.


The Rabbis made up a new religion, Judaism, to replace the Hebrew Torah with NEW laws.

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God Yehovah instructs Aaron the Levi, who was not a Jew nor a rabbi, in Leviticus chapter 10verses 8-11:

Wine and alcohol you shall not drink, you & your sons with you when you come to Ohel Moed (the temple) and you shall not die,

a permanent law for all generations,

and to distinguish between the holy and the not holy, and between the unclean and the pure,

and to instruct the sons of israel with all the laws which Yehovah have spoken to them in the hands of Moses.

Jewish rabbis stole from the Levi priests the authority to instruct the sons of israel the laws.

Rabbis proceeded to change the instructions and add new laws known today as "Jewish Tradition", Jewish Talmud.

Many "jews" call themselves "Levi". So we do not know who is a real Levi nowadays.



The Artwork above is the full 1st commandment on the stones of covenant.​


But Jewish rabbis manipulated it by splitting it and adding the last part of it to the 2nd commandment. By doing so, the rabbis changed the meaning.​​


Hebrew Torah:


כי לי

בני ישראל עבדים

because the

sons of israel

are MY slaves.


- Yehovah -

Leviticus 25:55

a king flesh and blood is not allowed in the hebrew torah of israel.

In the Torah the sons of israel are commanded to obey solely the laws of Yehovah and are warned not to follow the laws of man.

A house of law is not allowed.​ Any type of government is not allowed. The only law is the Torah, and the only king is Yehovah. That is the real Torah.

The 1st commandment, the original one, goes like this:


I am

Yehovah your Gods

who took you out of

the land of Egypt

from a house of

slaves. You shall

not have any

other Gods

over me.


Jewish rabbis cut off​ the yellow part of that 1st commandment, and added it to the 2nd commandment which starts with:


You shall not make

for yourself any statue

or any picture (a copy)

of anything which is

in the skies above

and in the land below

and in the waters

below the land.

You shall not

bow down to them

& shall not work them.


By adding the last part of the 1st to the 2nd, rabbis confused people regarding what is the meaning of: You shall not have any other Gods over me.

When 1st and 2nd mixed together like this:​


"You shall not have

any other Gods over

me, you shall not make

for yourself any statue

or any picture (a copy)."

it gives people the wrong impression that "other gods" is only relevant to statues, while in reality, tyrants flesh and blood also fall under this law.



יהוה ימלך לעלם ועד

Yehovah shall be

the king forever.


- exodus 15:18 -

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The name of the almighty Yehovah was replaced in all the popular bible translations with: "THE LORD"




Some say "out of respect for the jews"


But what about some respect for God Almighty?

Are the jooz more significant than him?


While the name Yehovah appears HUNDREDS of times in the Hebrew Torah, it was utterly removed from all the popular translations known as "The Bible".


The Jews claim that out of "respect" to Yehovah they do not mention his real name.​ They also lie and claim that he supposedly commanded not to mention his real name.​

But all along the Hebrew Torah people mention the name Yehovah over and over again. All the Hebrew fathers mentioned his name.


Abraham Itzhak & Jacob all mentioned the name - Yehovah

Moses mentioned God's name Yehovah.


All the sons of Israel said his name Yehovah several times in the Torah.


Yehovah actually commands Israel to say his name, and not to mention any names OF OTHER GODS.​ Jews act exactly opposite to this commandment because rabbis mislead them.


jewish rabbis did & will deceive regarding what the Torah says.​ They follow the Talmud which uses all sorts of tricks to twist the true meaning of the Torah. Don't expect them to admit it.


" Any woman with breasts larger than those of her friends - it is a deformity of her body. "

- Rabbi Natan, Talmud, Ktuvot chapter 7

from paper 72 page 2


Continues rabbi Bar Hana:​ (from the same chapter)

" I saw an Arab woman that threw her breasts back over her shoulders and breastfed her son from the back. "​​


Do you feel wiser now after reading some "wisdom" from the Talmud ?

Here is an original copy in hebrew of the source:


In the torah of israel, a new year starts in the spring

Read exodus chapters 12-13 and leviticus 23.

In judaism, it is 100% opposite: a new jewish year starts in the fall. why? by design.

jewish rabbis have excuses. The lawyers of rapists & murderers also have excuses. Test their excuses with the torah and see how false they are.

There is no excuse for doing exactly the opposite to what Yehovah commanded unless you belong to a religious cult which was designed to do so.


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A Levi Messiah - Torah quotes


"Aaron and his sons with him you shall dress them and anoint them and fill their hands and make them holy and they shall be my priests." 
- Yehovah Exodus 28:41
וְהִלְבַּשְׁתָּ אֹתָם אֶת אַהֲרֹן אָחִיךָ וְאֶת בָּנָיו אִתּוֹ וּמָשַׁחְתָּ אֹתָם וּמִלֵּאתָ אֶת יָדָם וְקִדַּשְׁתָּ אֹתָם וְכִהֲנוּ לִי



"and their anointment shall be a forever priesthood for all generations to come."
- Yehovah, Exodus 40:15
וּמָשַׁחְתָּ אֹתָם כַּאֲשֶׁר מָשַׁחְתָּ אֶת אֲבִיהֶם וְכִהֲנוּ לִי וְהָיְתָה לִהְיֹת לָהֶם מָשְׁחָתָם לִכְהֻנַּת עוֹלָם לְדֹרֹתָם

"and the (High) Priest the Messiah will be coming from His (Aaron's) sons. ...a forever law."
- Yehovah, Leviticus 6:15
(the Messiah is a Levi, never a Jew.)
(the word Messiah was removed from this verse by the Christian translators of the Bible, who promoted the idea of a Jewish Messiah, in contradiction to the Torah)
וְהַכֹּהֵן הַמָּשִׁיחַ תַּחְתָּיו מִבָּנָיו...חָק עוֹלָם



"and you shall be My Kingdom of priests."
  - Yehovah, Exodus 19:6
a kingdom of (Levi) priests means that the king is God Yehovah, under him serve him the Levi priests. Yehovah is the only law maker, and the only king of Israel. No man is allowed to rule israel or to make laws for israel
וְאַתֶּם תִּהְיוּ לִי מַמְלֶכֶת כֹּהֲנִים


"& the Levi he shall work the work of Ohel Moed (the holy temple) & they shall carry their burden a Law Forever for all generations to come."
  - Yehovah, Numbers 18:23
The Levi tribe were not Jews, and are not allowed to call themselves jews. God Yehovah commands to spiritually separate them from the rest of the tribes, and although they live amongst them, they are not allowed to mix with them or to name themselves after the other tribes. A Levi who calls himself a "Jew" is a traitor who is cut off the tribe of Levi.)
וְעָבַד הַלֵּוִי הוּא אֶת עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד וְהֵם יִשְׂאוּ עֲונָם חֻקַּת עוֹלָם לְדֹרֹתֵיכֶם 



"No foreigner shall come near who is not from the seed of Aaron."
- Yehovah, Numbers 17:5
(Aaron was a Levi , not a Jew.)
זִכָּרוֹן לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לְמַעַן אֲשֶׁר לֹא יִקְרַב אִישׁ זָר אֲשֶׁר לֹא מִזֶּרַע אַהֲרֹן הוּא



"and the foreigner who comes near shall be put to death."
- Yehovah, Numbers 1:51 and 3:1 and 3:38 and 18:7
וְהַזָּר הַקָּרֵב יוּמָת



"but the tribe of Levi you shall not count and their head shall not be named within (after any) the sons of Israel."
- Yehovah, Numbers 1:49
אַךְ אֶת מַטֵּה לֵוִי לֹא תִפְקֹד וְאֶת רֹאשָׁם לֹא תִשָּׂא בְּתוֹךְ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל


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